Why Hope Is Not Lost In South Sudan
December 11, 2015 @ 6:30 PM
Church of the Sojourners
1129 Florida St. San Francisco, CA 94110
A Free, All Ages Event
Please join us for an evening of storytelling and South Sudanese cuisine as we seek to stand in solidarity with the people of South Sudan as they find their way through another civil war.
In addition to the meal the evening will include: Local South Sudanese first person shares, radio spots featuring grandmothers from South Sudan, photos and stories from Rebuild South Sudan members’ recent trip to South Sudan, videos, and candle lighting.
Rebuild South Sudan holds out hope that conflict can be transformed, that a traumatized nation can find a way forward, that peace in South Sudan is possible. We believe that education lights the path for the future of the world’s newest nation.
The event is free, but we will happily accept donations to support education in South Sudan.
Contact katie@rebuildsouthsudan.org