Girls in School
2015 Delegation, Entry #14: 9/25/15
“As you see now, all these are male teachers, there are only two of us (women)…if you want to rebuild South Sudan, rebuild with new female teachers and by encouraging girl child education.”
These were the words of one of the female teachers in the training. Out of the 45 teachers that completed the training, only two were women. This woman really inspired me. She has risen to a place of leadership. She works on bringing education to girls in Bor County, and it was clear from talking with her that she is very dedicated to and good at her work. We talked with her about what it is like to be in the minority as a woman teacher in South Sudan, and also about what challenges girls face in getting to school. She was thrilled to hear that Rebuild South Sudan wishes to partner with people like her in bringing education to girls. Though many in South Sudan are advocating for girls to be able to go to school, it is still very difficult to overcome the challenges that keep them from getting to go to school.