Friends and Farewells
It’s been a whirlwind couple of days though the time passes slower here than at home. We have been blessed with companions on our trip who have become friends and we pass the time well together. Daniel is our right hand man, coordinator, interpreter, and negotiator. He’s lead us through the crazy Juba terminal, worked until we were all exhausted on the site, and always seems to be one step ahead of us in planning.
Bishop Phillip is such a kind man. He lives the grace he preaches and is full of patience and wisdom. We were honored to be guests
at his church yesterday, worshipping with brothers and sisters in Christ. Kuol Bol is a congressman representing our Jalle Payam in parliament. He is such a social man and constantly greeting others everywhere we go. He has connections and made many meetings possible which we would not have been able to otherwise orchestrate.
I had met Head Master William on our last trip and as we were walking through the market this time, I spotted him in passing. I rarely run into people I know at home so it was a suppose to do so in South Sudan. Later we walked to a local school to take some photos only to run into him again as it was his school. And then at church, he showed up again as one of the elders. Funny how he seems to be everywhere when we’re not expecting it.
We’ve learned that in Dinka culture, it is not okay so say goodbye in passing but you must sit together for the farewell to be had. In this our last day in Bor, we have many of these friends stopping by to give us their blessings as we pass on our thanks. I am grateful for these continued connections both personally and for our organization.