

Why I’m Still Wishing South Sudan a Happy Birthday

A letter from Michael Kuany To all the supporters of Rebuild South Sudan and of me and my family, I greet you. I hope this finds you in good health. 

I know it has been some time since I’ve given an in depth update on my life and work. The last few years have been very […]

Ten years after he asked for help with education, David graduated with a degree in Petroleum Engineering.

Education in South Sudan Makes a Difference

RSS Board Members Respond to the Call for Education in South Sudan. In 2007, Zoe Mullery, emeritus board member, established a relationship with two young men in Jalle, David and Jacob, orphaned by the war. It began when they approached her with a handwritten letter. It continued when Zoe’s mother, Lee Mullery, persuaded her church’s […]

Deborah, far right, does hair in her shop where she and her sister make bags and other wares.

What Happens when You Invest in Girls’ Education in South Sudan?

One Woman Makes a Difference Deborah Awut Mayom, an educated South Sudanese woman from Rumbeck is pioneering a new generation of educated women. She’s shifting the climate of conflict by using her business to make investments back into her community. As a college educated, business owner, Deborah exemplifies what is possible when South Sudanese girls are […]

South Sudanese Food Table Setting

Host an Evening of South Sudanese Culture and Food!

Bring a Taste of South Sudan to Your Kitchen and Living Room Join Rebuild South Sudan in celebrating the vibrant culture of South Sudan by hosting a dinner or speaking event. This event will feature South Sudanese culture, music, and handmade goods, offering a glimpse into the world’s youngest country’s spirit of resilience. Guest speakers […]

Bor Town Store

South Sudan Finding Hope Amidst the Turmoil

A Digest of South Sudan’s Current Events Insights on South Sudan’s Famine In the article “South Sudan Inches Closer to Famine,” the NRC reports the people of South Sudan are arriving at  “the lean season”. The lean season happens every year from May to July and happens in part because the people of South Sudan […]

Michael Mayen stands with the boat being built in Juba.

The Boat in the Water

To get the boat in the water, we need $19,500. Only $8,500 $7,500 to go. The economic crisis in South Sudan has made it exceedingly difficult to finish the boat that Jalle set out to build in 2014. Together with Jalle, we succeeded in getting the body of the 70-person boat built, but stalled out when […]


Teacher Training #1

On the Ground in Bor Town Our team is on the ground and in Bor Town making preparations for the training that will start on Monday! We’re generally doing well, staying at the Modern Hotel. Bishop Philip has come to greet us as well as some of the teachers and Michael Kuany’s Brother. We’re all […]

God Grew Tired of Us

Films that Tell the South Sudanese Story

A List of Documentaries As many people are learning about the South Sudanese Story, we wanted to compile a list of documentaries that illuminate the world’s newest nation. Think of this page as a resource for you, our supporters and partners. God Grew Tired of Us In the film God Grew Tired of Us, three […]

Katie and Paska

Women in South Sudan: Paska’s Perspective

A voice in Juba Makes it to San Francisco The following is written by Caroline Schulberg, a high school student in San Francisco who reached out the Rebuild South Sudan because she wanted to know how she could help. In an effort to get a real understanding of the current situation in South Sudan, I […]

South Sudan Independence Feature Photo

Hope in the Civil War in South Sudan

Hope is not a Luxury on the Anniversary of Independence Day                                  “Memories from the 2014 Celebration” On July 4th the United States celebrated her independence with a flamboyant public, nationwide explosion of hot dogs, BBQs in every shape and size […]


Teacher Training 2017

The Second Rebuild South Sudan Teacher Training! Teachers at the 2015 training pointing to South Sudan while practicing geography teaching methods. Supporting Education in South Sudan Means Supporting Teachers On September 4th, 2017 the Rebuild South Sudan teacher training team will return to host another teacher training for the teachers we worked with in 2015. The training […]

Rebuild South Sudan Holiday Cards

Handmade Cards: Holiday Cards and Gifts

  This year, say “Hello” on cards that make a difference, because the school needs walls. Each set you buy gets us closer to finishing the school which will benefit 250 kids! This year, write your holiday, winter, and Christmas greetings on Rebuild South Sudan’s handmade cards. And then give more as gifts! Artist Jenny […]

Unknown Sky Rebuild South Sudan Partnership Feature 2

Call for South Sudanese Poetry by August 15, 2016

Unknown Sky is providing a space for the voices of South Sudan Unknown Sky Journal is a new journal of fiction and poetry working to present writers from a variety of perspectives. The journal will also be supporting Rebuild South Sudan and has a special heart for the South Sudanese perspective. We think that poetry is […]


Encourage Teachers in South Sudan with us!

Encouraging teachers to continue to make a difference in the lives of the young generation in South Sudan.   In 2015, Rebuild South Sudan held a teacher’s training in Bor county. Forty-seven teachers attended a ten-day long workshop which focused on strengthening their capacity to teach with a student-centered focus. At the end of the training, […]


Rebuild South Sudan’s New Executive Director

Katie Rivers officially stepped into the role of Executive Director on July 1, 2016. When Michael Kuany held the door open for me at small San Francisco restaurant on 22nd Street, I walked through it. But that wasn’t the only door he held open for me that October evening in 2010. As Michael sat and […]

Run to Rebuild South Sudan feature 2

Run to Rebuild South Sudan 2016

Donations for education in South Sudan are still coming in! We want to give send a sincere “Thank you!” for the $7,683 collected so far. It was on a foggy Sunday morning that our brave runners for Rebuild South Sudan ran at the 2016  San Francisco Marathon. Rebuild South Sudan has long been running in races […]

South Sudan peace

The Transitional Government of South Sudan

“My brother is in Juba” – From Civil War to Reconciliation The Transitional Government On April 26th Riek Macher returned to Juba and was sworn in as vice president, a condition of the peace agreement signed in August of last year. Upon his return, both Macher and Salva Kiir appealed to the international community for aid, and […]

Why Hope Is Not Lost In South Sudan

December 11, 2015 @ 6:30 PM Church of the Sojourners 1129 Florida St. San Francisco, CA 94110 A Free, All Ages Event Please join us for an evening of storytelling and South Sudanese cuisine as we seek to stand in solidarity with the people of South Sudan as they find their way through another civil war. In […]

Roof Announcement Feature Image

Hope is Roof-shaped: Development in South Sudan

One roof closer to completing this building as an offering to hope and development in South Sudan. In October of 2015, the roof of the only permanent structure for miles was installed in Jalle Payam. We want to take a moment to celebrate that! And at the same time, we want to take many moments to remember the […]


Shelter from the Storm

2015 Delegation, Entry #20: 10/1/15 On the first of October Paul and Susan, the last two members of the 2015 Teacher Training Delegation, left Bor Town and flew to Juba. Their last night in South Sudan was a dark and stormy night at the Justice Africa compound–especially dark in fact. The violent rains caused a power […]

Golear 009

Crossing the Nile

2015 Delegation, Entry #19: 9/30/15    Susan and Paul took a trip with Bishop Philip across the River Nile to Golear today. They visited a camp for displaced persons where 71,000 people live. Even in their dire need they extended warm hospitality. Susan and Paul shared some of the material from the teacher training, as well […]


Partnership in Education

2015 Delegation, Entry #18: 9/29/15 In the heat of the day, the best place to meet is in the shade of a tree. This picture is from before Gail, Katie, and Renata left, but it shows what a meeting under a tree might look like. Today Paul and Susan went to the “Education Cluster” meeting, under […]

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To Market, To Market!

2015 Delegation, Entry #17: 9/28/15   One of the funnest (and most common) ways to get around in Bor Town is the “boda boda.” Pictured here is Bishop Philip hitching a ride on one of them. Paul and Susan went on boda boda rides to the market today.


Torrential Rains

2015 Delegation, Entry #16: 9/27/15 There was a lot of talk about how rainy it would be during the teacher training, but truth be told, the raining didn’t actually happen until it was over. The very next day there was torrential rain. Everything was flooded and muddy and slippery. Paul said he thought it was fitting when […]

Closing ceremony 301

Closing Ceremony

2015 Delegation, Entry #15: 9/26/15 The 2015 Teacher Training officially came to a close today. Paul shared a bit about the history and goals of Rebuild South Sudan, and Susan gave some words of encouragement. She reviewed what our goals were in the teacher training, especially our desire to see student-centered methods, and strategies for preparing children to be life-long […]

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Girls in School

2015 Delegation, Entry #14: 9/25/15   “As you see now, all these are male teachers, there are only two of us (women)…if you want to rebuild South Sudan, rebuild with new female teachers and by encouraging girl child education.” These were the words of one of the female teachers in the training. Out of the 45 teachers […]


Peace Education & The Book of Forgiving

2015 Delegation, Entry #13: 9/24/15 Michael Kuany’s long-standing vision for conflict transformation and for bringing peace curriculum to education gained some ground during this 2015 Teacher Training. Throughout the training we talked about nonviolent communication and strategies for conflict transformation in the classroom. In addition to the conflict transformation curriculum, Paul also led daily discussions on The Book of […]

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Experiencing Science

2015 Delegation, Entry #12: 9/23/15 If a picture is worth a thousand words, an experience must be worth millions. Susan designed several unforgettable experiential science labs for the teachers to take back to their students. My personal favorite illustrated Newton’s third law of motion. She had each teacher construct a simple rubber band powered helicopter. […]


It All Adds Up

2015 Delegation, Entry #11: 9/22/15   Today was math day in the Teacher Training. Teachers received math manipulative supplies that can be used for math games with students of all ages. These dedicated teachers continue to be inquisitive and excited about strategies that will get their kids active in the classroom. Among the math manipulative […]


Learning Dinka

2015 Delegation, Entry #10: 9/21/15 We begin each day with a discussion on the Book of Forgiving, led by Paul. After this we enjoy socializing with the teachers during a short tea break before the next session. One of the joys of this time has been the opportunity to learn some phrases in Dinka. Now each morning […]


Community Connections

2015 Delegation, Entry #9: 9/20/15 Sunday is the Sabbath day here, so we rested from the training, but the adventures continued. We visited the church of Bishop Philip, who has partnered with Rebuild South Sudan for several years as a community leader and advisor.  They treated us as honored guests. Paul was even invited to […]


Safety First: Traveling in Bor

2015 Delegation, Entry #8: 9/19/15 After a stimulating session on nonviolent communication and conflict transformation, we wrapped up for the day and headed to the Nile. Now there are a few safety instructions for traveling in Bor: 1. Pile 16-18 people into the back of a pickup truck, 2. Hold on 3. Sing songs in […]


South Sudan in Context

 2015 Delegation, Entry #7: 9/18/15 Today’s focus was on methodologies of teaching history and geography. One of the many experiential learning moments was a “mock government” exercise. Gail split the teachers into groups and assigned each teacher a different role, for example representatives of local government, national government, the UN, an NGO, etc. They had to work […]

Big Books

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

2015 Delegation, Entry #6: 9/17/15 “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? I see a red bird looking at me.” Susan showcased methods of using big books in teaching with a lively reading of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?  As soon as the teachers caught on to the rhythmic pattern, they enthusiastically joined in and chanted […]

Teacher Training Begins

Teacher Training Begins!

 2015 Delegation, Entry #5: 9/16/15 After over 25 hours in the air, around 12 hours of layovers, and one day of delay in Juba, the delegation has finally arrived! We joined 48 teachers, Bishop Philip, the Deputy Director of Education for Bor County, and two newspaper reporters. Katie’s welcome speech was punctuated by bursts of […]

Juba Transportation

Delayed in Juba

2015 Delegation, Entry #4: 9/15/15 One good rule of thumb for travelers is this: be flexible! We had planned to fly to Bor on this day, but were informed that there would be no flight to take us. We were almost ready to hop on a motorcycle, like the family pictured above, and drive the […]

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A Warm Welcome

2015 Delegation, Entry #3: 9/14/15 One of our first sights when we landed in Juba were the smiling faces of our teammates Michael Malaak and Awan. They drove us to Justice Africa, an organization working towards civil participation in government. We enjoyed their great hospitality and our common commitment to encourage and empower the people of […]


Sleeping on Planes

2015 Delegation, Entry #2: 9/13/15 We were airborne for most of September 13th. It is unkind to post photos of your friends sleeping online, so you will find no such photos here! Katie spent some of her wakeful time writing a paper for school. Her professors have graciously allowed her to have the time off. […]

Suitcases in LAX

Shipping to South Sudan

2015 Delegation, Entry #1: 9/12/15 There is no easy way to ship materials to South Sudan–we ourselves must be the couriers. Here we are redistributing the weight in each suitcase, so as to not be charged additional fees for the bags. This is how the Rebuild South Sudan delegation kicked off our teacher training trip!

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‘The Book of Forgiving’ is going to Bor County

Can Forgiveness End a War? Rebuild South Sudan asks this question together with the South Sudan Council of Churches and South Sudan Women United. How can a country move past a civil war? How do you reconcile yourself to your brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbors and yourself after so much conflict? Perhaps forgiveness can help. South Sudan Council […]


Jalle Payam School: Roof in Process

Teachers in Jalle Payam are anxious to have a roof over their students heads. We have some great news about the school building in Jalle Payam, all the roofing materials are on site and being installed! Teachers have already been holding classes under the steel structure but are extremely excited to soon have a completed roof […]


Big Books in South Sudan for International Literacy Day

One of the first memories many of us have is of sitting on a parent’s lap as they read to us one of our favorite children stories. However, in South Sudan most children don’t have books of their own at home. Rebuild South Sudan has been working with Dr. Mac H. Brown, a retired professor […]

Holding Out Hope

Holding Out Hope for Peace in South Sudan

Rebuilding South Sudan: Can the World’s Newest Nation Live in Peace? August 9, 2015 @ 9:30AM Congregational Church San Mateo 225 Tilton Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401 A Free Event Katie Rivers, Board President of Rebuild South Sudan will share at Congregational Church San Mateo about the challenges her organization faces as they work with […]

International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day 2015 in San Francisco – Canceled!

We are sorry to say that we had to cancel this live in person event due to a shortage of staff. We hope to still be able to hold a version of this event later in the fall. There are still ways to partner with us on International Literacy Day to support South Sudan! Please see […]

Teacher Training Feature Image

Teacher Training 2015: Support Education in South Sudan

  Supporting Education in South Sudan Means Supporting Teachers The Jalle Peace School is in session even though the building is simply a steel frame. In the Jalle payam there are 44 teachers, 6 of whom are teaching under the school’s steel structure in what is being called, “The Open Space School.” In Jalle there are 250 […]

San Francisco Middle School Walks for South Sudan

On Friday, May 8, 2015,  twenty-five students from James Lick Middle School in San Francisco, their teacher, and three Rebuild South Sudan volunteers gathered after school to show their support for students in South Sudan with their feet.  They marched through the neighborhood to raise awareness of the educational needs of South Sudan as well […]

Book Spines

World Book Day Supports South Sudan

Literacy, Books, and Education in South Sudan: Education is seen as the backbone of South Sudan’s future. It is slowly but surely finding its way into South Sudan spine by spine. Schools Reopen in Jonglei’s Duk County In March of 2015, 1000 pupils returned to schools that were destroyed in last year’s fighting. Children have been with […]

What’s Happening in South Sudan?

Snippets from South Sudan: Cattle Raids, Bombs, Prayers for Peace This isn’t a comprehensive analysis of what’s happening in South Sudan, just some events we wanted to point out. South Sudan continues to be a place where hope and tragedy are intertwined, and we hope the articles and events listed hear give witness to that. We’ve […]

Pencil and Paper
March 28, 2015

South Sudanese Lost Boy In SF March 28, 2015

Pencil & Paper: Telling Stories in a War Zone – March 28, 2015 Can a story save you? A Free all ages event in San Francisco! March 28th @ 4pm Alley Cat Books 3036 24th St. San Francisco, California 94110   Judy Walgren, SF Chronicle Director of Photography and formerly a journalist in Africa, presents in […]


Stories Of Joy And Sorrow: Recent Events In South Sudan

Over the past couple weeks, South Sudan has witnessed one event that must have brought indelible joy to many, and another that certainly has caused others sorrow and grief. The story of joy and hope grows out of an entrenched problem within South Sudan: child soldiering. Last week, on January 27th, the South Sudanese Democratic […]

War is Expensive

War is Expensive

Frontier Economics releases a report on the cost of war in South Sudan. Oil plays a major role in the revenue for the new nation of South Sudan, and ideally oil money is used to develop the nation. Roads and schools were among the first things promised, and in fact Rebuild South Sudan was hoping […]


VOA’s: A Look Back at 2014 in South Sudan in Tumult

Karin Zeitvogel with South Sudan in Focus has put together a month by month chronicle of key events for the nation of South Sudan entitled A Look Back at 2014  in South Sudan in Tumult. This piece contains a slide show which gives those of us to who are not in the country a better picture of what it […]

The Good Lie Movie

The Good Lie: A Film About Heroic Perseverance

Americans watch horror movies. The Lost Boys and Girls live them.   “The Good Lie” calls much needed attention to the story of The Lost Boys and Girls and their nation, South Sudan. Anyone familiar with the 2006 documentary “God Grew Tired of Us” will recognize its presence as the skeleton for this new telling that […]

Map of South Sudan Bor Juba Jalle

Keeping Current on South Sudan

A Digest of Recent News in South Sudan   Peace is still drastically needed in South Sudan. President Salva Kiiir and rebel leader Riek Machar continue to take turns blaming one another for the ongoing outbreaks of violence and for the slowness of the peace talks being conducted in Ethiopia led by the Intergovernmental Authority […]

Jalle Peace School

VOA Radio Features the Jalle Peace School

Rebuild South Sudan Radio Interview (start at 11:07) Blog Post: Bringing Education to South Sudan, One Village at a Time It Takes a Village to Build a School Slideshow In August 2014 Michael, Katie, and Luke had the opportunity to be interviewed by Karin Zeitvogel for the radio program South Sudan in Focus, part of […]

Michael with Flag July 2014

Reflections on Independence in South Sudan

Last month, South Sudan celebrated its day of independence, marking the third year since the inception of the world’s newest country. Celebration, however, was undoubtedly muted for the many people who have been displaced from their homes or have lost loved ones in the conflict that has wracked the country for the past nine months. This […]


Letter to Jalle

To the Persevering People of Jalle: I have not met you; I only know of few of your names, yet I think of you nearly every day. I long to know you because your story has become part of my story, and we are now connected. I’ve been working with Michael Ayuen Kuany as part […]


Support Sustainable Supplies

Though Rebuild South Sudan’s mission is to promote education in Jalle through its school-building project, the number of displaced people caused by the internecine fighting that erupted in the country last December has led RSS to recast its sights on shorter-term goals aimed at relief effort. So we’ve decided to aim to fulfill the needs of one […]


San Francisco Event

Michael Kuany, founder of the nonprofit Rebuild South Sudan ( and one of the “Lost Boys” of South Sudan, came to the US in 2001 after a childhood spent in refugee camps. He and thousands of other children fled a bloody civil war in 1985. Since arriving in the States in 2001, he has received […]

New Short Film Released

As a winner of a SEED Award in 2013, we were granted a short film with funding from the Fetzer Institute. In addition to being the inaugural project for SEED Funds, we are excited to release this short film which summarizes our purpose, process, and vision. Even in the midst of the difficulties South Sudan […]


Meeting Long Term Needs

As the unrest and sporadic violence continues in South Sudan, we must identify and help meet the long term needs that bring an end to a cycle of destruction. In a country whose people have only known war and violence, the only things that will ensure long term change are education and a firm belief […]


BAS Fan Donation!

We are excited to announce a $28,000 donation of equipment from Big Ass Solutions for our natural cooling system for the Jalle School Project. The aim is to use these fans in the gathering hall and classroom through a solar power system. The by installing these fans in the gathering hall and moving air through […]


South Sudan Update- February 15, 2014

Dear Team, Today February 15, 2014, a memorial service for those who had been murdered in Jalle last month by the rebels was held here in Juba, South Sudan. Government officials as well as community leaders delivered speeches in remembrance of the deceased. It was painful to hear the story told by one member of […]


Jalle Attacked

Thank you for your continues prayers for peace in South Sudan. The general situation is still tense but improving day by day. The government and the rebels signed cessation of hostilities two weeks ago to end the one month old conflict between the government and rebels forces. Regardless of the signed cessation of hostilities, the rebels are […]



Dear friends and family, Thank you for waiting patiently to hear from me about the ongoing conflict in South Sudan. Although the war has not come to an end, I do have some good news to share with you. The two towns of Bor and Bentiu that had been captured by the rebels have been […]


New Years Message from Michael

Dear friends, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you. I hope this message finds you well during this joyous time as we celebrate the birth of our lord Jesus Christ and a New Year. Christmas is that time of the year where people give thanks to the Lord and celebrate, but it is unfortunate to report that […]


Education Can Bring A Nation Together

The  ongoing rivalry between Salva Kiir and Riek Machar has imposed violence and ethical conflict to the country of South Sudan. Many people have fled, become misplaced, or forced to go into hiding to stay safe during the attacks and clashes. We acknowledge that there is disagreement between the government and the people, but we are […]


Nobel Peace Prize Money for the Children

The Lutheran World Federation received a grant of US $815,000 from the European Union (EU) to begin to construct ways to deliver education on war-affected children in South Sudan. South Sudan is the world’s newest country and also one of the poorest on the planet, and has also experienced internal conflict since its independence on […]


Youth Bonding Through Expressional Dance

New events involving youth from all cultures will be held in Bentiu stadium every Sunday, in Unity state. The aim is to bring children together through peaceful exchanges of dance and music, and to have a place where children are encouraged by one another and able to have something to relate to. During the long […]


Voting For the Rights to Abyei’s Oil

Abyei, an oil-rich region located on the border between Sudan and South Sudan has been a region of unresolved conflict. Last year when South Sudan was voting to become an independent county, the voting for the right to oil was supposed to take place.The stalling of the vote has left people in a year full […]


Public Interest Design Institute Kansas City

At a Public Interest Design Institute conference in September, Jill Kurtz was able to present Rebuild South Sudan’s project, in Jalle, South Sudan, to community designers in Kansas City. Having the opportunity to connect with designers and community transformers is very important: They get to see a working example of innovation impacting Jalle, South Sudan. […]


Equal Rights to Education

Agnes Odhiambo, a journalist for Human Rights Watch interviewed a young woman named Mary K. from South Sudan, who talked about her experience in school and her dreams for when she grew up. Mary K. was 16 at the time she was pulled out of school. She dreamed of being an accountant and continuing her […]


South Sudan’s First Lady Extends Support

On Friday in New York, the first lady of South Sudan-Mary Ayen Mayardit urged support for an organization she founded called Concern for Women and Children (CWC). The mission of the organization is to diminish suffering, injustice and poverty by empowering women and supporting children. The first lady spoke at the First Ladies Alliance ceremony […]


Children in the Streets of Unity State

In the last week, many street children in Unity state have been stopped and detained when found in the streets. Over 60 accounts have been reported by police, who fear that these children need help and direction away from the street life. Many reasons kids decide to leave their home are because of child abuse, […]


Recruiting Helping Hands

This summer has been one of transition for our group and to strengthen our team, we’re looking to those connected to the organization to help us fill some positions and offer their hands to help as these Jalle kids did on our last trip. We are currently seeking volunteers and paid staff and have added a new […]


Destitute Children in Unity State

The local authorities in Unity state are concerned that the number of children in the streets may be on the rise. Bentiu and Rubkotna hold high population for children who are fleeing their homes and walking the streets at night. In over 50 recent cases, studies have shown the the majority of children are girls. […]

Michael WI Family

Michael Moves to South Sudan

As of this weekend, Michael Kuany has relocated back to his home country in South Sudan. While we are so sad to see him go, we are grateful for the opportunities which await him, our organization, and his country because of his physical presence on South Sudanese soil. When Michael first moved to the US […]

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Michael and Deborah are on the Move

Below is a letter Michael recently sent out to many of his contacts. He and Deborah have experienced quite the year of transition with the birth of their baby Ayak, Deborah’s return to Austrailia to get an MBA and Michael’s upcoming and permeant move to South Sudan. Please read below for his perspective on the […]

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$30 Million Donation to South Sudan

Over the next three years, South Sudan will be receiving a $30 million development package from Plan International. Nigel Chapman, the CEO of Plan International says that the funds will be given to support the South Sudan educational system. The donation will also help to employ the youth and give support to humanitarian work. “We […]


End Violence for Children in South Sudan

An organization called The United Nations Children Fund has made a global call encouraging people to speak out and stand up to make an end of all forms of violence inflected on children. UNICEF makes a statement about Sudanese children continuously being subjected to violence whether it be child marriage, child labor, child abduction, and […]

Rebuild South Sudan Jalle Kid


What’s in a name? A lot when that name represents a new nation and a new identity to a people who have remained under the oppression of others for generations. We are excited to join in name with the Republic of South Sudan by announcing we have officially changed our organization name to REBUILD SOUTH […]


President Kiir Receives A Call From The Youth

A few days after President Kiir of South Sudan relieves his government, he received a call from a concerned youth group urging him to replace his government with people who aspire to fulfill South Sudan’s hopes and dreams. The President’s motives for releasing his government came from a history of tension and disagreement, but he […]

South Sudan President

President Kiir Removes VP and Entire Government

The president of South Sudan (Salva Kiir Mayardit) broadcasted on the state radio in Juba of his release of the secretary-general of the ruling party, 17 brigadiers in the police service, and every national minister and deputy minister of his government. The Vice president Riek Machar has be relieved of office and he currently does […]

Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir visits South Sudan

S Sudan two years on: Adjusting expectations

“Toward effective nation building and prosperity for all”, encourage the billboards across this city. As South Sudan’s capital prepares to celebrate its second independence day on July 9, mixed feelings linger about the progress the youngest nation in the world has made since independence. “We are free now, but life hasn’t gotten better,” said Ruth, […]


Food Distribution in Unity State

The United Nation’s World Food Programme (WFP) is committed to providing double the amount of food to schools in Unity state. This year, 97 schools will be participating in the feeding program, last year 40 schools received food from the program. The minister of general education in Unity state (Angelo Chol Dongwa) met with WFP […]


An Exciting Project Update

What a whirlwind the last few months have been for us as an organization and for many of us personally. The past year has held some of our highest highs and lowest lows. But the project continues to move forward and we are more excited than ever that this school will become a reality. Construction projects are […]


Named Public Interest Design Global Ambassadors

We’re a bit behind in sharing this good news, but better late than never. Rebuild South Sudan Founder Michael Kuany and Board President, Jill Sornson Kurtz were named by Public Interest Design’s 100 Global design list. Broken down into categories of promotors, facilitators, makers, policy makers, connectors, ambassadors, educators, visualizers, funders and organizers, this Autodesk sponsored project named Michael and Jill […]


Building A School for South Sudan

Philips Bragg made a trip with his wife Leslie McLean Bragg along with their friend James Lubo Mijak, to South Sudan last month. They made this trip to see the school that the three of them built. James Lubo Mijak met the Bragg’s in June of 2001 and shared his story of how he became […]


Limited Papers for South Sudan Exams

The Ministry of Education admits to running out of national examination papers for secondary school students, in South Sudan’s Unity State.    1,500 students in Unity state who took the exam were told that they would have to wait half of their day until the capital of Juba could supply the papers. Peter Par Nhial, […]


Donation To A School In South Sudan

Lutheran Church of Peace in Platteville, WI has made a donation of $60,000 dollars to African Soul, American Heart (ASAH) a school for orphan girls in South Sudan. ASAH has been invited by tribal chiefs in Duk, Jonglei to build a dormitory for the girls of the school.The Dorm will open in May with hopes […]

Friends and Farewells

It’s been a whirlwind couple of days though the time passes slower here than at home. We have been blessed with companions on our trip who have become friends and we pass the time well together. Daniel is our right hand man, coordinator, interpreter, and negotiator. He’s lead us through the crazy Juba terminal, worked […]


South Sudan Archbishop Agrees to Talk Peace

Daniel Deng Bull, South Sudan Archbishop and chairman of Jonglei peace committee, spoke at the end of the Woman’s Peace conference in the city of Bor. South Sudan Government and an estimate of 400 women met from Monday to Wednesday to discuss ways in which they can practice peace within communities. Daniel Deng Bull agrees […]


Meeting with the Minister of Education

We had a fantastic meeting today with the Minister of Education for the government of Jonglei State, Stephen par Kuol. He has been in this position since 2010 and was former ambassador for South Sudan in Tanzania and a life time teacher/professor. He spoke of his vision for education for his people as a way […]


Just a drop towards Long-term Development

April 10 – Bor, South Sudan The journey to Jalle is long. One 11 hour flight over the atlantic pond to Egypt, a six hours flight into South Sudan, a 35 minute puddle jumper to Bor and then a 2 hour car ride to the site. I left Bethlehem 3 days ago and we’re still […]


Unity State Official Publicly Declares High Rate of School Dropouts.

An official of South Sudan Unity state has announced the high rate of school dropouts of young woman and girls. The largest cause is due to forced marriages at an early age, which disinherit young woman and girls to an education. This is an old practice where parents push their daughters into marriage for wealth. […]

Child marriage in South Sudan

(Juba, March 7, 2013) — The government of South Sudan should increase efforts to protect girls from child marriage. The country’s widespread child marriage exacerbates South Sudan’s pronounced gender gaps in school enrollment, contributes to soaring maternal mortality rates, and violates the right of girls to be free from violence, and to marry only when […]

UNHCR Giving back

Sudanese Lost Boy Gives Back & Gives Thanks

Jacob Atem, who was the age of six or seven when the militiamen from the north came to his home, was separated from his family and forced to flee for his life along with his cousin Michael. His life was forever changed, due to the violence of the civil war. Over the next few years […]


SEED Award @ University of Minnesota

Rebuild Sudan was honored not only to be a SEED Award Recipient, present our project at the University of Minnesota College of Design’s first ever Public Interest Design Week, but to be welcomed with open arms into the public interest design community. We literally brought people to tears with Michael’s story and our organization’s hope […]

Rebuild Sudan Jalle Primary School South Sudan

New Renderings of School

Thanks to the help of Jill for an updated model and Marianne (+ her UT Austin classmate) Rebuild Sudan has some fantastic new renderings to show you of the Jalle School Design.

Jalle Peace School Hope South Sudan

First View of the Building Structure!

You’re looking at the first image we’ve seen of the building structure!! Our team has cried tears of joy over this sight and cannot wait to share more images and stories with you of the impact its already having on the community. Stay tuned… much is to come!

A woman from the Dinka tribe stands in front of her shelter near Bor

The Struggle to Eat in 2013

A third of South Sudan’s population (four million people) will have trouble accessing food this year. The United Nations warns that “continued fighting may increase the number of people needing aid.” Emergency food will still be needed due to high food prices and poor commercial supply. A year ago, the government cut off the oil […]

Giving Tuesday

Remember that thing called the “Giving Season“? You know… it happens around the “Shopping Season“? Every year there is a day for shopping in stores called “Black Friday“… and a day for shopping online called “Cyber Monday“… Now there is a day for America to show it GIVES as good as it GETS! Tuesday, November […]


Beyond war in South Sudan

Published by MCC, Written by Gladys Terichow, Photographs by Nina Linton Despite poverty and the scars of war, peace mobilizers in South Sudan, the world’s newest nation, courageously strive to address tensions and build peace. Each day in the Opari district of South Sudan — a region abandoned during decades of war and now resettled by some […]


School Project wins SEED Award!

Since May of 2009, we have worked tirelessly as a dedicated team of people on the design of a school in South Sudan. It has been one of the most difficult but most rewarding projects many of us have ever pursued. But just when we were waining in hope, we found out we were awarded […]


2012 End of Year T-Shirt Campaign

We’re kicking off our end of year campaign to give you one last chance at a tax-deductable donation for 2012 and complete our fundraising for Phase 1! If you haven’t given this year or want to give on behalf of someone else for the holiday’s, now is a perfect time. As a bonus, we’re printing […]

Rebuild Sudan Jalle Primary School South Sudan

Jalle School Information Updated

Check out our updated Jalle School pages for new information on the school design including technical information, refershed construction schedule, and more photos (the updated rendering above is thanks to Marianne’s mad Sketch up skills and Jill’s Photoshop expertise). Michael is so excited the blue roof is finally in the rendering for everyone to see! […]


Sudan: Struggle for Peace

“Lost Boy” looking forward The sound of bombs echoed through the Sudanese town of Jalle. Seven-year-old Michael Kuany and his male playmates watched from a distance as the Northern Sudanese army destroyed their village. That was 20 years ago. North Sudan is predominantly Arab and Muslim, while south Sudan is mainly Black African and Christian. […]


Peace in Sudan, Peace Everywhere

The horrors still haunt him: the gunfire that ripped his tiny village apart, the terrified screams of neighbors and friends as their homes were set ablaze, the 2,000-mile walk he and other young boys were forced to take to a refugee camp in Kenya, all the while fearing soldiers would slice him limb from limb. […]


T-shirt Design Competition

Calling all Graphic Designers! We need your creative help designing a T-shirt for us!  The winner will receive a $100 cash prize and have their design represent our organization (plus, we’ll all think you’re really cool and we’ll be super grateful!) Design Criteria: Include Rebuild Sudan’s Logo but you can remove the tag line if […]

Rebuild Sudan

Pressing on and Moving forward

The last few months have represented some growing up for our organizations. Since Blake’s departure, we’ve really had to dig deep within our team and restructure ourselves to move forward. First we were faced with the question: Do we need to find a new executive director? If so, how will we afford to do so? […]


Has South Sudan’s Independence been Joyous and Painful?

Published by South Sudan Info, October 1, 2012 JUBA – Despite the euphoria that followed South Sudan’s independence, few citizens would have thought that secession alone would halt the long history of suffering and ensure prosperity, stability and security, as Jok Madut Jok comments. Many South Sudanese did not see secession as the ultimate solution […]


Sudans Making Progress on 3rd Summit Day

Published by Voice of America, September 25, 2012 ADDIS ABABA — Sudan and South Sudan made significant progress on the third day of their summit in the Ethiopian capital, but nothing has been signed yet. President Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan and his South Sudanese counterpart, Salva Kiir, have been negotiating in Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis […]


Bashir-Kiir Summit Hoped to Achieve Breakthrough

Published by All Africa, September 20, 2012 Khartoum/Wau — Hopes for a breakthrough in post-secession negotiations between Sudan and South Sudan are running high ahead of a summit between the presidents of the rival countries in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Sunday. The summit will take place on the same day in which the […]

Refugees in Jamam camp queue up to receive buckets and soap as part of Oxfam's public health campaign to reduce the spread of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea and Hepatitis E in the camp. Photo: Alun McDonald

Refugee crisis in South Sudan – Oxfam calls for action

Published by the Huffington Post, September 20, 2012 Refugees survived “year of hell” – now at risk of disease Camps sheltering more than 100,000 Sudanese refugees in South Sudan’s Maban county are ticking timebombs, on the brink of a major outbreak of disease, according to a new release by agency Oxfam. Oxfam called for new, […]

Rebuild Sudan

September Newsletter

Did you get our quarterly email newsletter? We want to keep you up to date on the big happening in and through Rebuild Sudan. Download it here. Read and click below. Sign up so you never have to miss it again!! Email  


Challenges, Opportunities for South Sudan

Published by Voice of America, September 7, 2012 The United States Ambassador to South Sudan, Susan Page, said her government is working to create economic opportunities for youth in South Sudan, while at the same time encouraging the new country to diversify its economy, allow press and media freedoms and actively promote good governance.  Ambassador Page also […]


South Sudan: China Reiterates Commitment

Published by All Africa, August 25, 2012 Juba — Chinese government reiterated its commitment to supporting negotiated a settlement as “best alternative” to resolving post secession disputes between two nations. The visiting top level Chinese special envoy on African Affairs, Zhong Jianhua, made the remark after a meeting with the President Salva Kiir Mayardit in […]


Unbearable Human Rights Abuse in South Sudan

Written by Michael Ayuen Kuany and published by the Bor Globe on August 15, 2012 My country, the Republic of South Sudan, is suffering from chronic depression over the killings of their own citizens. The liberation process of South Sudan had different fronts: physical warfare, international diplomatic engagement, and civil society advocacy. All of these […]


Michael & Deborah’s Marriage

We have exciting news!!! On July 2, 2012 Michael Ayuen Kuany married Deborah Nyap Majer Akon in Bor, South Sudan and their story was nothing short of incredible. This week, I was given a great gift as I sat down with the newlyweds and heard them recount their courtship and vision for their shared future. […]


Rebuilding Home

South Sudanese youth have known only know a life of war. They have spent their childhood in refugee camps, moving from place to place and not knowing if family members survived the thousands of miles on foot. But with independence of South Sudan finally comes the dream to return for the first time to the […]

South Sudan's ruling SPLM party secretary general Amum talks to the media after meeting with officials from Sudan in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa

Sudan, South Sudan Reach Oil Deal

Published by the Chicago Tribune, August 4, 2012 ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – Sudan said on Saturday it had reached a deal with South Sudan on oil transit fees, a first step towards ending a dispute which had brought the hostile neighbors close to war, but also said it wanted a border security agreement before oil […]


At Age One, A Tattered Reputation For South Sudan

Written by NPR, August 2, 2012 There were hopes that the new rulers of South Sudan might somehow break the African mold of big men lining their pockets with big money. But the trend in Juba, the capital, is alarming. The infant nation of South Sudan is barely a year old, and it’s already engulfed […]

South Sudan One Year

South Sudan: Unhappy Birthday

Written by The Economist, 14 July, 2012 ARCHBISHOP DESMOND TUTU, a winner of the Nobel prize for peace, was the guest of honour at South Sudan’s first birthday party on July 9th where he gave a sermon calling for peace. Stop fighting and wealth will follow, he told the young nation’s leaders, calling on them […]

Ethiopia African Union Summit.JPEG-080b6

Sudan, South Sudan Leaders Meet Over Disputes

Written By Associated Press, in Washington Post, Published: July 15 ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Aid agencies should have access to help internally displaced people fleeing from violence in Sudan and South Sudan, a top U.N. official said Sunday, one day after the leaders of the two nations met in a closed-door session.The African Union summit called […]


Blake’s Resignation

After two years of faithful service and leadership with Reuild Sudan, Blake Clark has resigned as executive director for personal reasons. His motivation and hope in this project has not wavered; he will continue to advise the Jalle School’s design team as we move forward on the floor and wall systems in Phase 2. We […]


Sudan Declares State of Emergency as Clashes Continue

By Isma’ll Kushkush and Josh Kron, New York Times, 29 April, 2012 KHARTOUM, Sudan — Sudan declared a state of emergency on Sunday along much of its border with South Sudan as the momentum toward all-out war continues to build after weeks of clashes over disputed areas and oil. President Omar Hassan al-Bashir’s decree gives authorities in the border […]

A policeman walks past the smouldering remains of a market in Rubkona near Bentiu in South Sudan, April 23, 2012.

US Officials Press for Sudan-South Sudan Talks

Written by Michael Bowman, Published by Voice of America on 26 April 2012 The simmering conflict between Sudan and South Sudan has yet to escalate into full-scale war, but it threatens to deepen a humanitarian crisis that is already bringing hunger and misery to hundreds of thousands of people along the two countries’ border, according […]

Civilans bear brunt of rival Sudans clashes

Thousands fleeing to refugee camps as tensions continue to rise between Sudan and South Sudan. Fighting along the border between Sudan and South Sudan has forced thousands of people to flee to refugee camps. The African Union has given both sides three months to peacefully resolve the crisis. As Al Jazeera’s Peter Greste explains in […]


South Sudan’s leader says Sudan has declared war

Alexa Olesen by Associated Press on 24 April 2012 BEIJING (AP) — The president of newly independent South Sudan, in Beijing lobbying for economic and diplomatic support, told China’s president on Tuesday that attacks by rival Sudan amount to a declaration of war on his country. There has yet to be a formal declaration of […]

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Witness: Sudanese warplanes strike at South Sudan border towns

CNN Wire Staff, CNN, 23 April 2012 Juba, South Sudan (CNN) — Sudanese warplanes crossed a disputed border region to strike Monday in South Sudan, escalating fighting that threatens to return the neighboring African countries to full-scale war, a witness said. A Sudanese military commander, Kamal Marouf, was quoted by Radio Sudan’s website as saying that […]


Obama Urges South Sudan, Sudan No to Return to War

Voice of America, 21 April 2012 U.S. President Barack Obama has urged the governments and people of Sudan and South Sudan to resume peaceful negotiations and avoid a return to war. In a video message posted on the Internet site YouTube late Friday, Mr. Obama called on the people of both nations to turn away […]


UN Chief Calls On Sudan, South Sudan to End Fighting Immediately

United Nations, All Africa, 17 April 2012 Addis Ababa — UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday voiced his “deep concern over continued hostilities” between Sudan and South Sudan, and called on both parties to “end the fighting immediately.” A statement, issued here by Ban’s spokesman, said, “The secretary-general reiterates his deep concern over continued hostilities […]

Sudanese Army soldiers stood guard Thursday in Southern Kordofan, which a 2005 pact granted special status to seek autonomy.

Sudan and South Sudan Keep Up Their Border Attacks

Josh Kron, New York Times, 14 April 2012 MOMBASA, Kenya — Sudan and South Sudan engaged in a second day of direct military clashes and aerial bombardments on Saturday in what the South described as a “limited war” between the two nations that will continue indefinitely “off and on.” A South Sudanese military spokesman said fighting had broken out […]


Pride of War Overshadowing Humility of Peace Between the Sudan and South Sudan

Opinion by James Okuk, All Africa, 8 April 2012 The ongoing war between the Sudan and South Sudan at the border zones can be described as nothing but insensitive and destructive pride emanating from the former foes ruling now in both Juba and Khartoum. These rulers seem to be running the two countries without paying […]


Michael Kuany’s Story

I am one of the nine living children born to my family. As a young boy born in the rural village of Jalle in southern Sudan, my 6’4” mother believed that I was born in the year of great drought. She doesn’t know exactly what year it was because there were no clinics in the […]


Breaking Ground if not Groundbreaking

Forgive our silence on the blog for the last couple of days. Part of this was due to lack of communication with Blake and Marianne in the out of pocket location of Jalle, the other part was due to difficulties we were having onsite which Blake will explain below. Thankfully, this doesn’t change our project’s […]


Home on the Range

There’s no signage driving into Jalle. The rusted out Russian MIG to your left lets you know you’re close. A moment later, graceful crested cranes dart across your path and a few corrugated metal sheds appear along the road. Pieces of broken concrete keep the roof from blowing away in these high winds. This is […]


Just another day (and night) in Jalle

(Marianne) South Sudan is a beguiling contradiction. Hash and unyeilding, joyful and inclusive. Today, we saw the extremes of both sides. Today really began with last night with the all-night preparations for our clerical guests. As we sat in the courtyard under the full moon, villagers entered one by one, depositing sleepy-looking chickens in a […]


Bats in the belfry

Hopefully, my posts don’t sound like I’m whining. Life here is so different that it seems like describing the most visceral experiences we’re having might sound like complaining. I prefer the term “coping” or perhaps, “coming to terms.” Marianne and I are sharing a hut at the Grace Chapel Church compound about 6 miles from […]


A Square Rectangle

The meeting with the elders to finalize the school placement wasn’t quite what I expected. A village elder approached Denis shaking his head. We had just begun measuring our baseline. He told Denis that a new road was planned and that the school needed to be moved some distance. This news was followed by uproarious […]


Dear South Sudan,

Feb 1, 2012 Dear South Sudan, You and I, we’re going to get along just fine. The weather here reminds me of home in south texas and the people here are just as friendly. I had leave my last friend, New Hampshire, once my time there was through, but we’re still on good terms. And […]


Listening with the right hemisphere

My wife would be the first to tell you I am about 98% left-brained – on a good day. Here in South Sudan, I’m stretching the 2% that isn’t strictly logical just to have a simple conversation and it’s that 2% that has to interpret context and every conversation I have relies on context that […]


One Night in Bor Town

(Blake Clark) We were supposed to leave at 8:00am this morning from Juba to Jalle with 5 people in the car. We instead left at 2:30 and made it to Bor with 7 people in the car. So we have a layover in Bor for the night with bonus internet, showers and beer for one […]

Arriving and Preparing in Juba

Arriving and Preparing in Juba

Marianne and I arrived in Juba yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon. Both of us started our journey on Sunday. The new terminal at the Juba airport is still under construction which appears to have come to a complete stop. So, Marianne got the full experience of flying into Juba’s old terminal building. After you deplane you walk […]


Start of the Year Update

So much has been happening behind the scenes of this website that we’ve forgotten to update you! In December, we saw a rise in violence in Jonglei State, the region of our school and Michael’s community in South Sudan. As Michael reported to the Bor Globe, over 42 people were killed in the Juet community, […]

Kuany making a difference in South Sudan

Kuany making a difference in South Sudan

Written by Sam Lucero | The Compass Wednesday, 04 January 2012 11:29 New Catholic Charities employee, one of ‘lost boys of Sudan,’ says education is key to country’s success GREEN BAY — Michael Ayuen Kuany was about 6 years old when Sudanese soldiers attacked his village in Jalle Payam, located in southern Sudan. “I could […]

South Sudan

Juet Massacre: Genocide in Jonglei, South Sudan

Juet Massacre: Genocide in Jonglei, South Sudan December 12th, 2011 at 2:36 pm By Michael Ayuen Kuany, USA (Borglobe) Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005 up to the independence of South Sudan in July of 2011, Jonglei state has been a battlefield with little attention from the government of South […]


Unexpected Gifts

Written by Marianne Nepsund I am thrilled and honored to be Rebuild Sudan’s first official intern. As such, I must introduce myself appropriately – with a confession: Food and epiphanies seem go hand and hand for me. I’ve never been a speedy eater. So perhaps it is the contemplative nature of my dining habits that […]


South Sudan facing severe food shortages, UN agencies warn

Article by IRIN, Published in the on 29 September 2011 UN agencies are warning that newly independent South Sudan will face chronic food shortages next year due to internal and border insecurity, erratic rains and a huge influx of returnees from the north. The UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) said a rapid crop assessment […]

Our Past and Future

Rebuild Sudan: Our Past and Our Future from Rebuild Sudan on Vimeo. Rebuild Sudan in partnership with Sarah Gerber of twentytwenty studios, is proud to release this 8min short film recounting the story of its founder, Michael Kuany, the organization’s partnership with the Jalle Community, and the shared efforts to construct the Jalle School. Please click on the image […]


In Crumbling Sudan: Dodging Bombers

Written by KRISTA MAHR / KURMUK, Published on Time World on 20 October, 2011 The sound of a plane is hard to pick out in the thick, empty landscape of dry grass and blue sky in the Sudanese state of Blue Nile. But once it grows closer, the low whine of an engine is unmistakable. […]


South Sudan Says Black Market Currency Trading Fuels Inflation

Written by Jared Ferrie, Published by Bloomberg Business on 21 October 2011 Oct. 21 (Bloomberg) — Central Bank workers in South Sudan may be involved in black market currency trading that is fueling inflation in the newly independent nation, the deputy finance minister said. The employees are able to buy dollars at the official rate […]


Language: A Matter of National Identity

Published by Reuters Africa, 26 October 2011 South Sudan said on Wednesday its schools will start teaching English, phasing out Arabic that had been used as a tool to spread Islamic law and Arab heritage by former civil war foe Khartoum. The mainly Muslim north imposed Islamic law and Arabic on the south, which seceded […]


Second Guessing

Project Update by Blake Clark, Executive Director and Project Manager Some people ask me what takes up most of my time as executive director of Rebuild South Sudan. My response is, “Second guessing myself.” And I’m only half joking. This is generally not seen as the mark of a strong leader. “Damn the torpedoes, full […]


Reaching the Marginalized in Sudan

UNICEF has published an informal website used to provide a small sampling of some UNICEF Innovation Team projects, often times partnering with other UNICEF sections. Recently, they published a series of 6 posts on innovative solutions for Sudan. Though this project was aimed at schools in Sudan and Khartoum, similar ideas may be applied in […]


Prince George’s focuses on opportunities in South Sudan

Written by Lindsey Robbins, Published on on 26 October 2011 Officials: New nation ripe for business, trade with county As part of ongoing efforts to bolster Prince George’s economic presence in Africa, county officials hosted a roundtable discussion Monday on emerging business opportunities in the newly formed South Sudan. And as part their global […]


S.Sudan Urges UN Action On Khartoum

Published by allAfrica on 7 October 2011 South Sudan on Thursday called on the UN Security Council to set a deadline for Sudan to withdraw its troops from the disputed region of Abyei or be held “accountable.” Amid rising fears of border clashes between the two states, the South’s President Salva Kiir is to visit […]


South Sudan Becomes Latest Member of UN Postal Union

Press Release: UN News, Published on 7 October 2011 New York, Oct 6 2011 – South Sudan has become the newest member of the United Nations Universal Postal Union (UPU), the agency announced today. The country, which gained independence on 9 July, became the 192nd Member State to join the organization, which regulates international mail […]


Introducing Zoe Mullery

For the next couple of weeks we will be introducing and highlighting each of the board members on Rebuild South Sudan’s Board of Directors. Some of these people have been serving with Rebuild Sudan for years and others have recently joined. To begin, one of Rebuild South Sudan’s longest members, introducing… Zoe Mullery Board Member […]


Country Warns Food Crisis Developing Into Famine

Written by Ngor Arol Garang, Published in on 6 October 2011 Juba — South Sudan said Wednesday that the ongoing food crisis in the newly independent country could develop into a famine if no immediate remedies are taken. Joseph Lual Acuil, South Sudan’s minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management told a weekly media […]


Myth Busted!

Project update by Blake Clark, Project Manager and Executive Director My quote for the week comes from Dave Gauthier, president of Winter Panel in Brattleboro Vermont, “Myth Busted!” This was his spontaneous response to the floor panel tests at his facility last week. In true Mythbuster’s style, things ended with a concussive bang, but after […]


The Great, Slow Road of Juba: South Sudan's Crucial Artery

Written by Krista Mahr, Published by TIME World on 13 October 2011 If you’ve never thought much about pavement, take a drive from Juba to Nimule. Parts of South Sudan’s busiest road have been paved, but the unfinished parts are still teeth-rattling stretches of pitted, rust-colored dirt. On a dry day, each passing truck leaves a […]


Engineering, Maximization, and Logistics

Project Update from Blake Clark, Project Manager and Executive Director This week is all about engineering, maximization, and logistics. If you’re still reading, you might just be a little geeky, but you’d fit right in around here! Putting this project together is like putting together one of those jigsaw puzzles without a picture on it. […]


Project Partners: Heli-Pile

Project Partners: From the beginning, the Jalle School project has been about partnerships. With the first trip of volunteer architects and engineers, this project has seen many people and organizations giving of their time and resources to partner with Rebuild South Sudan to make this school a reality. One of those partners is Heli-Pile in […]


Food Shortages a Worry for South Sudan

Written by Jerilyn Watson, Published by Voice of America on 3 October 2011 United Nations agencies are warning of food shortages next year in South Sudan. The Food and Agriculture Organization says the new country is likely to produce only half the food it needs this year. The FAO blames the situation on unpredictable rains, […]


Sudan’s Bashir rejects mediation in talks with South

Reporting by Khalid Abdelaziz; Writing by Ulf Laessing; Editing by Sophie Hares, Published by Reuters on 2 October 2011 Sudan wants to end all conflict with newly-independent South Sudan through dialogue but without any foreign mediation, President Omar Hassan al-Bashir said on Saturday ahead of a visit by his southern counterpart. South Sudan became independent […]


South Sudan Seeks U.N. Help For 'Difficult Journey'

Written by Michele Kelemen, Published by NPR on 25 September 2011 When President Obama addressed the U.N. General Assembly in New York, he held up the example of South Sudan as the right way to join the world body — through a peace process and an independence vote. “One year ago, when we met here […]


South Sudan among recipients of UN grants to end violence against women

28 September 2011 – Newly independent South Sudan is among 34 countries awarded grants today by a United Nations that seeks to end violence against women, along with another first-time recipient, Iraq. “Violence against women is a human rights and public health emergency,” Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women, said of the 15th batch […]

On Project Partnership

Project Update: From the Executive Director I realized I personally haven’t written an update since returning from South Sudan in June. Time seems to evaporate in this work! We’ve made a lot headway and some new friends on the project front. As many of you know, we’re introducing a new foundation technology to East Africa […]

South Sudanese find their way home slow going

South Sudanese find their way home slow going

Written by Ulf Laessing, Published by Reuters on 28 September 2011 (Reuters) – Four months after Paula Lodo left her Khartoum slum to head back to South Sudan, she finds herself in yet another makeshift home south of the Sudanese capital. “I am stuck on the way home for four months, can you believe this?” […]


Meeting with the President of South Sudan

Global Summit on Human Rights: Meeting with the President of South Sudan The month of September brought the world bodies together to mark the 66th United Nations General Assembly in which my baby nation, the Republic of South Sudan’s President, Salva Kiir, addressed the general assembly for the first time as an independent nation. This […]


South Sudan: there’s nothing ‘worth rebuilding’

Written by AFP, Published by Yahoo! News on 23 September 2011 The president of newly independent South Sudan appealed to the world for help Friday, saying his country is so poor it has nothing “worth rebuilding” after suffering decades of war. “The Republic of South Sudan stands in dire need of all the help it […]


Gifting Your Gifts

Written by Jill Sornson Kurtz, Board President This has been quite a year for me… I got married, graduated with my masters, and will soon turn… drum roll, please… 30!! (yikes. that’s the first time I’ve typed it out) And with each milestone is another reason to celebrate! Culturally, we commemorate these milestones for others […]


U.S. trails China in securing South Sudan oil business

Written by By Aamer Madhani, Published by USA TODAY The United States is trailing China in the race for business in the new nation of South Sudan, despite leading the international effort to help South Sudan become an independent nation after decades of guerrilla war, says Princeton Lyman, the U.S. special envoy to Sudan. President […]


South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir to fight corruption

Written by the BBC, Published by the BBC News Africa on 21 September 2011 Newly independent South Sudan has announced a series of measures to combat corruption. President Salva Kiir detailed “five critical steps” in an open letter. Land sales will be reviewed, public contracts subject to new laws and officials will be expected to […]


Why South Sudanese should Support the New Capital City Project

Written by Parek Maduot, Published by  The New Sudan Vision (NSV) on 9.14.11 An artist’s impression of the proposed new capital city of South Sudan in Ramchiel, Lakes state (Washington DC) – The decision of the Council of Ministers to officially authorize the relocation of the capital city from Juba to Ramciel generated considerable debate, […]


GBC Presents a New Way Forward

Greater Bor Community in USA presents reflection paper on interim period, recent cabinet appointments and the way forward in South Sudan Written by The Governmental Affairs Committee of GBC-USA and published by The New Sudan Vision (NSV) on 09.11.11. The leadership of Greater Bor Community of the United States, just off from their annual conference […]


Tears of Joy: Future and Challenges of South Sudan

Tears of Joy: Future and Challenges of South Sudan July 23rd, 2011 at 1:44 pm By Michael Ayuen Kuany, USA (Borglobe) The time for the important work is now, not tomorrow or the next day. The hopes of our citizens and the eyes of the world are upon us. On Saturday July 9th, 2011, a […]

Michael receives 'Journey of Hope Award'

Michael receives 'Journey of Hope Award'

The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families awarded Michael with the Journey of Hope Award on June 18th, 2011. The award recognizes achievements of refugees who came to the U.S, especially emphasizing the work they do for others in their communities. The competition to be nominated for an award like this is fierce, about 60,000 […]


Goodbye Old Juba: Update #20

This is my last night in Sudan. Tomorrow I begin the 36-odd hour journey home. My son Milo’s vocabulary has grown exponentially during the month I’ve been gone. I half expect him to meet me at the airport with, “Welcome back dad. How was your trip to Sudan?” But I’ll be happy with “Da-da!” and […]


Mission of Mercy: Update #19

Amid the completely intolerable snoring last night came a knock at the door. Two people had been shot walking to cattle camp. I know this because when I attempted to escape the snoring by setting up a tent in the compound all hell broke loose. Too dangerous. What do you think you’re doing? Apparently the […]


Too Good to Be True?: Update #18

What a day. That’s a period, not an exclamation because I’m bone tired. The rains have been torrential the last couple of days turning the roads into skating rinks. Denis and his co-workers were scheduled to come to Jalle Thursday but were delayed a day due to fuel shortages in Juba. They were further delayed […]


The Best Pizza in Juba: Update #17

Pizza at last! Pizza at last! Thank God almighty there is pizza at last! With due apologies to Dr King and all struggling people everywhere. I was very excited when I located Notos restaurant, “The best pizza in Juba.” Things were looking up for my remaining days in Juba. Then, I counted what I have […]


Shuttle Diplomacy: #16

I left Bor this morning realizing that most people in Jalle were expecting me to come today and build a school. The foundation had arrived yesterday afternoon. Everyone was very excited. I was filled with dread. Even though Michael had already handled much of the politics with community leaders last night in Bor and it […]


Electric Windows: Update #15

Does anyone out there remember crank windows? You know, those fool-proof handles that you turn around and around a few times to raise and lower the window? They should be a standard feature on every vehicle in South Sudan. I’m serious. Power Windows? Push-button convenience my butt. We arrived in Bor to discover the creaky […]


Worst Dressed Man in Sudan: #14

There’s no doubt I stick out like a sore thumb here and I’m feeling a little self conscience about it. No, not the color of my skin, but the state of my wardrobe. Everyone here is impeccably groomed and I’m – uh – not. I’ve been wearing the same dirty jeans and shirt for several […]


Latest News: Update #13

Well, it looks as if the foundation is on its way. Michael is meeting the truck at the Nimule border crossing today. If this had happened two weeks ago, we would be celebrating! As it is, we are in discussions with GDC about whether or not it is feasible to try to build this season. […]


Body Language: #12

Tonight is James’s last night in Sudan. Not his last night in Africa, though, he has one more to go at the Cairo airport. Let’s hope he has a smoother trip than Sarah! Today James got a good lesson in local body language. We hadn’t driven too far out of Bor this morning when we […]


Fireflies: Update #11

There haven’t been too many times this trip when my first thought was, “I wish Milo was here to see this”. Milo is my 18 month old son back home in New Hampshire. That’s not to say I don’t miss Milo! I do! However, this is a challenging place to live and travel and most […]


First day in Jalle: #10

We drove out to the Rebuild South Sudan school site this morning. The road from here to there is more like I remember! If it had been raining, it would have taken awhile, as it is we drove it in about 15 minutes. As it’s been unseasonably dry, it was fairly easy to navigate. The […]


From Juba to Bor: Update #9

For those playing along at home, Bor is 128 miles from Juba. It took a little over 4 hours to get here in our trusty Landcruiser. We averaged about 30 mph on the mostly improved gravel road. There is surprisingly little in the way of villages between Juba and Bor. An outpost here and there, […]


Batteries and the Keys to Jalle

Our night in the Freedom hotel was quite restful. There was a cool breeze that even made me think for a moment that I would use the thin blanket provided with the room. Uh – on second thought, the sheet would do just fine, thank you. After checking out of Freedom hotel and loading up […]


Life changing experience…

“We visited a school on the outskirts of Juba (the capital of S. Sudan). The school provides education for children of refugee families now returned from the north. It was a life changing experience…” Sarah Gerber, twentytwenty studios


Partly Cloudy, Partly Sunny

It is partly cloudy here… That is to say, partly sunny as well. We accomplished most of our logistics list today. Including: 1. Checked out of the South Sudan Hotel. 2. Received our Western Union money transfer – Thanks Stephanie! 3. Gave our borrowed Landcruiser an oil and filter change and replaced some worn out […]


A Day Off: Update #6

Not much action today. I spent a couple hours trying to get Michael’s flight changed, and we’ll spend some more time tomorrow. We were able to located his itinerary and reservation number online as well as the phone number of his travel agent in Nebraska, two pieces of information we didn’t have when we started. […]


A Day of Magic: Update #5

And I thought yesterday was a good day… The morning started with an early phone call from Sarah’s contact who had invited us to visit his school. We skipped breakfast and waited in the hotel courtyard for him to arrive. The first to arrive was Michael, who, being cautious about us going out with someone […]

Meeting Denis, our Contractor: #4

Hi All, I just met Denis for the first time. Denis is the engineer working for Global Development Company (GDC), our contractor for the Jalle school. After my meeting with him there isn’t a doubt left in my mind that the school will be built. Today is a good day! Denis and I had not […]

May 2011 Newsletter

Modern Business 3 LIGHT HTML Email Missing images? Launch it in your browser. May 2011 Follow Us Friend Us Follow our Updates Dear friends and supporters, This time, I’m not asking for money. (maybe later…) I am, however, asking for your support. We will be in Sudan for the rest of may and half of […]


Oops!: Project Update #3

Not much news to report about Abyei that’s new from yesterday. We’ll keep you posted if there are any new developments. We’ve decided not to go to Bor to attend the independence celebration. The logistics involved are costly and we still have plenty to keep us occupied here in Juba. Michael had scheduled his flight […]


Complications: Trip Update #2

Blake here. Well, after I thought we had decided on a plan, we’re likely already changing it. Thursday in Bor Town (remember we were planning to be in Juba still) there is a huge celebration related to official independence in July. Aparently, anybody who’s anybody is supposed to be there. The president, cabinet ministers, etc. […]


Press Release from the White House

The Press Secretary of the White House released a statement on Sudan on May 21, 2011. The statement said, “The United States condemns the offensive operations being undertaken by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in and around Abyei town and today’s Presidential decree dissolving the Abyei Administration. While the United States deplored the May 19 […]


We are in Sudan! Trip update #1

From Sarah Gerber, Director of Communications We have arrived in Juba, South Sudan! Michael, the Director General (of telecommunications), the chairman of the Jalle community, and various other officials were there waiting for us at the airport. The Director General graciously maneuvered us through customs and took us (along with all the others) to a […]

Triumphs and Delays

From Blake Clark, Executive Director and Project Manager Check out our new project page! Come back for updates in the weeks ahead as the building takes shape. The website has been designed and developed entirely by volunteers. They’ve been busy completing the new look in time for our trip. Thanks! Speaking of the trip to […]


Sudan ruling party, opposition split over constitution

Southern Sudan will become Africa’s newest nation in July, but politicians are already squabbling among themselves and worrying Western supporters who hoped for a smooth passage to democracy after the continent’s longest civil war. The ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) excluded most opposition parties from a committee to draft a temporary constitution. Some advocates […]


Key Indicators for South Sudan: A Study

A study published in 2009 with demographic and geographic information on South Sudan. Find study


Sudan Poetry: Moment of Truth Sums

The people want freedom: Aye, bellows the liberator; The people want peace: Aye, bellows the peacemaker; The people want reconciliation: Aye, bellows the mediator; The people want love: Aye, bellows the lover; The people want food: Nope, bellows silence; The people want education: Nope, bellows silence; The people want houses: Nope, bellows silence; The people […]

Michael accepts position with the S. Sudan Embassy!

Michael Kuany, Rebuild South Sudan’s Founder and CEO, accepted a position from the President of South Sudan to represent the Lost Boys to the government. Along with another representative, he will be working in the DC located embassy. His work will include a campaign to relieve the student loans for the Lost Boys, placing Lost […]


South Sudan journalists hope for media freedom

South Sudan journalists expect that a free and safe environment will be created for media personnel in their new country. “We hope that freedom of expression will be granted to journalists after the proclamation of the new country,” said Dengdit Ayok, a journalist attached to Al Masseer newspaper in South Sudan, on the sidelines of […]


Ox Plow & Other Training Help South Sudan Farmers

Residents of southern Sudan have long relied on subsistence farming utilizing traditional methods. These practices, such as hand tilling and broad casting of seed, result in crop loss, disease, and infestation, and severely limit farmer’s yields. USAID is working to overcome these challenges by introducing new technology and farming methods to residents of Northern Bahr […]


South Sudan to honour oil contracts with India

JUBA, SUDAN (Commodity Online): India has now little to worry about the secession of South Sudan as the country has promised to deliver on the terms of the oil contracts signed by the two countries. Reports showed that India is the third largest partner with regard to the oil trade of North and South Sudan […]


China expresses willingness to boost cooperation with southern Sudan, promises further aid

Editor: Wang Yan BEIJING, April 29 (Xinhua) — China on Friday expressed its willingness to develop friendly exchanges and expand mutually beneficial cooperation with southern Sudan. “China is ready to promote its friendly exchanges with southern Sudan on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,” said Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping in a […]


Bill Gates Foundation donates $5m for South Sudan capital

April 27, 2011 (JUBA) – The US-based Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has earmarked five million dollars for the development of South Sudan’s regional capital, Juba, its mayor has revealed. In the past few months, however, the city has been in the spotlight, with local residents reporting cases of robberies, killing and harassment mainly within […]


South Sudan's rebel movements and their leaders

By Alex Thurston, Guest blogger April 22, 2011 The world’s soon-to-be newest country, South Sudan, faces a number of challenges, including severe under-development and tensions with North Sudan on border demarcation, oil revenue-sharing, and others issues. But it is the growing challenge from rebel groups that most threatens the political stability of the new state. […]


South Sudan’s reliance on NGOs

By Matthew Brunwasser Operation Lifeline Sudan, launched by the United Nations in 1989, was one of the biggest humanitarian efforts ever seen. It brought together UN agencies and some 35 non-governmental organizations (NGO). Decades of civil war ended in 2005, when a peace treaty gave the south defacto autonomy. The former rebel group — the […]


Science left behind as Sudan divides

By Deborah-Fay Ndhlovu It is not the first time that Odra, a crop physiologist at the University of Juba in Sudan, has been asked to make such a trek. In 1989, at the height of Sudan’s civil war, Odra, along with around 130 lecturers and 800 students at the country’s second largest university, was asked […]


Activists Say Women Need Bigger Role

By Marvis Birungi One impact of two decades of war is that women now make up over 60 percent of the eight million people of South Sudan, says the Government of Southern Sudan’s Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare. And while women fought alongside men during the conflict with the north, or helped the […]


Sudan as a Tinderbox and Microcosm

By Bonnie Price Lofton | April 11th, 2011 | John Katunga Murhula, MA ’05, who works for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) from his base in Nairobi, Kenya, was at CJP for a half-day visit on April 6. As CRS’s regional technical advisor for peacebuilding and justice in East Africa, John’s attention is focused upon Tanzania, […]


Kenya, Uganda salivating at South Sudan prospects

By Benard Natha East African News Agency (Eana) Arusha. Come July 9, Africa will have its newest and 56th state, the Republic of South Sudan. This development is exciting for the East African region because South Sudan, with its oil wealth, minerals and huge agricultural potential, is set to join the East African Community (EAC). […]

Project Update: Building in April

From Blake Clark, Executive Director and Project Manager Groundbreaking is scheduled for April! I can’t thank everyone enough who have contributed to this moment. Steel Structures in Nairobi has already finished fabricating the steel skeleton and the helical pier foundation system is in route. It will all come together in Jalle with two weeks of […]


An Update from Michael

From Michael Kuany Greetings from Juba, South Sudan! I hope this note finds you in good health. I was fortunate to be in Jalle, my birth home in February with many high level government officials from the area to attend the prayers and ceremony of the just retired Bishop of Bor, Nathaniel Garang. For those […]


Chronicle of a Genocide Foretold

By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF Published: September 29, 2010 The global refrain about genocide is “Never Again,” but we may be watching how that slips into “One More Time.” The place is southern Sudan, and the timetable is the next few months. The South, which holds more than 75 percent of Sudan’s oil, is scheduled to […]


USAID Launches Food, Agribusiness, and Rural Markets (FARM) Program in Southern Sudan

JUBA, SUDAN – The U.S. Government, acting through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), today launched a new agricultural program in partnership with the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS). The launch ceremony was led by the Minister of Regional Cooperation, General Oyai Deng Ajak; the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Dr. Samson […]


Political Climate in the Sudan: Upcoming Referendum and the Imminent Birth of a New Nation – Southern Sudan

By Michael Ayuen Kuany Michael Ayuen Kuany(Borglobe) —As the political referendum is to take place in Sudan in January of 2011, the world’s attention is riveted on the imminent birth of a new nation, Southern Sudan. In three months, the people of southern Sudan will be able to exercise their democratic rights to either vote […]


Transforming Africa Through Higher Education

By NAZANIN LANKARANI Published: January 16, 2011 DOHA, QATAR — When Patrick Awuah left his native Ghana in 1985 to study abroad, he had little notion of the opportunities that would await him back home 13 years later. More than a decade of peace, democracy and prosperity made it possible for a Western-educated professional like […]


Nation Building: Citizens’ Participation in the Development of South Sudan

JAN.10/2011, SSN; A long awaited independence of southern Sudan from northern Sudan is approaching. Celebrations are already underway even though the polls do not open until Sunday, January 9, 2011. It is clear that the people of southern Sudan will vote for separation from northern Sudan. However, even though independence of southern Sudan is the […]


Delivering Aid Differently: The New Reality of Aid

This month Homi Kharas and I published a book titled “Delivering Aid Differently – Lessons from the Field”. We launched the book yesterday at the University of Nairobi. Here is a summary of the main messages: We live in a new reality of aid. Rich countries delivered US$ 3.2 trillion of aid to poor countries […]


Women and culture: the role of women in the development of southern Sudan

By Michael Kuany The largest country in Africa, Sudan has over 578 tribes, each with its own unique culture. These tribes are based in geographical regional locations, and many have seen gradual shifts in their cultural heritage over the years. However, the region of southern Sudan is still known for its cultural distinction. In this […]


School for Hope

By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF Published: April 24, 2010 (In The New York Times) MARIAL BAI, Sudan Southern Sudan is one of the most impoverished places on earth, and this remote town lacks electricity and running water and is 150 miles from the nearest paved road. Yet, thanks to a remarkable young American who grew up […]


His Gift Changes Lives

By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF OP-OD Columnist Published: December 16, 2009 Here’s a story for the holiday season. A 30-year-old former refugee is putting together a most extraordinary Christmas present — the first high school his community has ever had. Valentino Deng, 30, is the central figure in the masterful 2006 best seller, “What Is the […]

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