BAS Fan Donation!
We are excited to announce a $28,000 donation of equipment from Big Ass Solutions for our natural cooling system for the Jalle School Project. The aim is to use these fans in the gathering hall and classroom through a solar power system. The by installing these fans in the gathering hall and moving air through the classroom spaces, we know the students will have a more comfortable learning environment than the 100 degree classroom typically experience.
This donation was given through a crowd source funding program started by Design Corps and the SEED Network named “SEED Funds.” Our project is the the first one to be featured through this funding project and an announcement was made at the fourteenth annual Structures for Inclusion conference hosted by Parsons The New School of Design on March 22, 2014.
We are trying to raise an additional $2,000 to help fund part of the shipping costs for the fans for the future. Please help us by contributing to the SEED Funds Page!
Click the image below for more information in Big Ass Solutions.